Director’s Message

Ashok Sharma Arya
Director’s Message

Dear Students,

I express my heartly congratulation for joining Maharishi Dayanand Rehabilitation Institute. Present day special education is fast growing field. As per census 2011, the population of person with disabilities in country has been estimated at 2.68 crore wihich is 2.22% of the population of the country. Person with locomotive disability formed the largest chunk with 20.3% of the total disabled population followed by hearing impairment with 18.9%, visually impairment with 18.8%, speech impairment with 7.5%, mentally retarted with 5.6%, mentally ill with 2.7% and multiple disabled with 7.9%, 18.4% were those who had some disability lived in rural areas and 31% in the urban areas. India was among firt countries to sign united nations convention on right of person with disabilities (UNCRPD) and since ractified it also, According to national policy for PWDs are valuable human resource ofr the fcountry and seeks to create an environment that provides them equal opportunities, protections of their rights and full participation in society. Disability is a multi sectoral and multi dimensional issue and hence needs a multi prolonged strategy to mitigate the effects of disability. The main problem of the Rehabilitation and mainstreaming of the PWDs is shortage of qualitative technical staffs and rehabilitation and professionals in our country. Thre is a huge gap between demand and supply of human resource in the field of rehabilitation and special education. According to a study conducted by the Institute of Applied Manpower research (IAMR), at present there is a shortfall of 10,58,598 professional/personnel in the disability sector and by 2 016 this shortfall would be 10,04,531. Further a landmark judgment by the Hon’ble Delhi High Court has resulted in increase demand for trained special teachers to be appointed two in a each school. Hon’ble High Court has also directed to grant equivalence to D.Ed. (special education) with B.T.C./D.Ed./ITTC for the purpose of appointment of special teachers in all the school in the state as well as school run by the local bodies of Delhi. Therefore the demands of rehabilitation professional and special educators would increase manifold in near future, thus creating more and more carrier opportunities in this sector. So, as a special educator/teacher/councellor/social worker great carrier opportunity and bright future is waning for you.

With best wishes,

Lt. Ashok Sharma Arya